MOMI CHICKEN RENDANG. Chicken Rendang - amazing Malaysian-Indonesian chicken stew with spices and coconut milk. Recently, there was a huge rendang controversy caused by. Spicy Chicken Rendang ( Malaysian Chicken Rendang Recipe) Coconut, lemongrass, kaffir lime. the smell and taste of Rendang is distinctive for all.

You may use chicken breast for rendang. You may cook chicken rendang using a slow cooker. The same recipe for the chicken rendang can be used to prepare beef, pork, eggs, and even young Rendang regularly shows up among the list of world's most delicious food, and if you have ever sink. You can have MOMI CHICKEN RENDANG using 15 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.


  1. Prepare of Chicken - cut into small portion.
  2. You need of Cooking oil.
  3. It's of Blended red onion.
  4. It's of Blended garlic.
  5. It's of Blended ginger.
  6. You need of Blended tumeric.
  7. Prepare of Blended lemongrass.
  8. You need of Blended small green chilli.
  9. It's of Lemongrass - Smash at the bottom.
  10. You need of Thick coconut extract.
  11. It's of Water.
  12. You need of Sugar.
  13. You need of Salt and seasoning.
  14. Prepare of Whole grated coconut.
  15. You need of Tumeric leaves - finely chop.

A traditional Malay dish, Rendang is a specialized dry-ish curry that is made distinctive by adding dry-fried grated coconut towards the end of. nasi kunyit(turmeric glutinous rice). Rendang is a Malaysian meat dish that's slow-cooked in coconut milk. Zang Toi makes his with chicken thighs flavored with an intensely fragrant ginger. A Malaysian classic dish, Chicken Rendang.


  1. Take a cup of the whole grated coconut and fry them without oil until it turn to dark brown and produce some oil. Take them into the kitchen mortar and pestel and grind them finely until they become powder like with oil. Set them aside.
  2. In the large cooking pan, heat up the cooking oil and simmer all the blended ingredients for 5-10 minutes..
  3. Add in the chicken, smashed lemongrass, sugar salt and seasoning. stir them to mix well and let them simmer for few minutes.
  4. Add in the water and coconut extract. Let them boil until and keep stirring ocassionally until the water reduced and thicken.
  5. Add in the ground coconut and fold them to mix well then add in the tumeric leave and keep folding until they have mix well.

Authentic beef rendang recipe from Minangkabau, Indonesia. Beef rendang is best eaten with steamed rice and condiments such as fried onions and chili pieces. Rendang chicken curry gets its intense flavor from how the curry infuses with the meat. One of the more popular Indonesian dishes in Thailand and throughout Asia is rendang chicken or beef curry. Rendang is an Indonesian spicy meat dish originating from the Minangkabau region in West Sumatra, Indonesia.